Mantras & Stotras

Vedanta is not a theory not practice. It is just you.

– Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati

This online course was created for all those who wish to enjoy the magic and transformation that Mantras & Stotras can bring to their lives, invoking the devotee in oneself and bring the sacred into everyday life.

This course is personalized with a limit of participants. Each student will always be listened to individually and the teacher is available to clarify any question during classes or in individual meetings apart from classes. An exclusive opportunity to learn to chant in a traditional way.

If the student is not available at the time of the classes, the participant can follow it in his/her own time and request an individual meeting in which the teacher will listen to the student’s chanting.

The course includes E-book with the Mantras & Stotras in Devanagari, transliterated and the meaning. The E-book is accompanied with the MP3 audio, so the student can always practice at home until the mantra is absorbed with the proper pronunciation.

The classes are available in 3 levels:

Beginner – Basic – “Mantra & Chanting for everyday life”
Intermediate – “Stotras – Sanskrit Traditional Chanting”
Advanced – “Vedic Mantras, Stotras & Prakaraṇa Granthas”

1)  Beginner – “Mantra & Chanting for everyday life”

We will start with a brief theoretical approach explaining the Vedic tradition, understanding the lifestyle and how to connect with the sacred in everyday life.

As all material is in Sanskrit, we will give great importance to correct pronunciation. We will have a good introduction to the lyrics and an understanding of Sanskrit phonetics. The student will learn to read and accurately pronounce Sanskrit words using transliteration.

We will be learning different short mantras and verses from the Indian tradition. We will have verses for different deities, for yoga, for different occasions and for everyday life. Each of them will be explained in general.


• E-book with all mantras & chants in devanagari, transliterated and meaning.
• Audio – The audio of all the mantras & chants in the E-book.
• Class recorded available
• Online individual meeting – The teacher is available for individual guidance parallel to the classes


The dedication, commitment and persistence of the practitioner are of great importance. For those who choose this journey, dedicating time daily to practice and repeat the verses, as well as repetitive listening to the audios, is essential.

Anyone with a sincere desire to learn the mantras & chants with precision in pronunciation can join the online classes. Neither singing skills nor musical experience are required to participate in this course.

For those who wish to continue their studies of mantras & chants and deepen after this course, you can join the regular class or request individual lessons.

Type: four months workshop/ weekly classes

2)  Intermediate – “Stotras – Sanskrit Traditional Chanting”

In this online course, various chants from the Indian tradition will be studied. Stotras are hymns with a poetic structure.

Participants will be listened to individually and the audio of each verse will be available to the student. All those who have a basic knowledge of Mantras or Sanskrit are welcome to join this new beautiful level of experience.


• E-book + audio
• Class recorded available
• Online individual meeting – The teacher will be available for any clarification needed in parallel with the course classes.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Mantras or Sanskrit

Type: Ongoing classes/ weekly

3) Advanced – “Vedic Mantras, Stotras & Prakaraṇa Granthas”
In this advanced level of the chanting experience, the student will be able to connect much more deeply with the whole traditional spirit.
The participant will be encouraged to chant with the devanagari script and a new face of the studies will be initiated, where the focus will be in Sahasranamas, Prakarana Granthas and Suktas.

• E-book + audio
• Class recording available
• Online individual meeting – The teacher will be available for any clarification needed in parallel with the course classes.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of Mantras or Sanskrit

Type: Ongoing classes/weekly