Vedic Chanting

Vedic Chanting

“Learn to chant the Vedas”

with Maline Ribeiro

The culture of India is rooted in a body of knowledge known as Vedas, which were revealed to the Ṛṣis through deep meditation in the form of mantras that were then passed down through a tradition of teaching from teacher to student. Later, Śrī Vyāsa, a renowned sage, organized the Vedic mantras into four groups: Ṛg-veda, Yajur-veda, Sāma-veda, and Atharva-veda.


This Vedic knowledge forms the foundation of Hinduism, providing guidance on how to live and interact in specific environments and in the world at large, and offering insights into the attainment of supreme freedom, known as Vedānta or Upaniṣads.


Chanting these mantras follows specific rules to ensure that they are reproduced in their original form. Therefore, it is essential to learn Vedic chanting from teachers with who have studied with a traditional teacher.


This course is designed to explore the chanting of various Sūktas and Upaniṣads and is open to students who already have a basic understanding of mantras and Sanskrit.