
India is also called “Puṇya Bhūmi”, it is a Mother, a land where the sacred sprouts like seeds every moment. The culture and the lifestyle are designed to assure that you don’t miss the reason why you assumed this physical body.
In India we have many colorful and beautiful celebrations which are always connected with the lunar calendar, marking auspicious moments where we invoke grace, blessings and gratitude for all that we received in life.
The festival varies from place to place but carries the same spiritual aim. Like a breathing movement, Indian fife takes place with a magical movement of introspection and extroversion tuning with the life of the individual.
Here we present a list and explanation of the main festivals celebrated in India
  1. Makara Saṁkrānti (Pongal) – 15/01/2023
  2. Mahāśivarātri – 18/02/2023
  3. Holi – 08/03/2023
  4. Rāma Navamī – 30/03/2023
  5. Hanumān Jayantī – 06/04/2023
  6. Ādi Śaṅkarācārya Jayantī – 25/04/2023
  7. Guru Pūrṇimā – 03/07/2023
  8. Rakṣā Bandhan – 30/08/20223
  1. Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭami – 06/09/2023
  2. Gaṇeśa Caturthī – 19/09/2023
  3. Navarātri – 15/10/2023 a 23/10/2023
  4. Dussehra/Daśaharā/Vijaya Daśamī – 24/10/2023
  5. Dīpāvalī – 12/11/2023
  6. Kārtika Pūrṇimā – 27/11/2023
  7. Gītā Jayantī – 22/12/2023