

“A Guided Practise in the Light of Vedanta”
“Meditation highlights one’s inseparable connection with the total, Īśvara. Through various steps, one is brought to be one’s own self, recognizing all the way the presence of the whole at every level of oneself.”
Swami Dayananda Saraswati
The meditation class will be guided by Sonia Novaes based on Vedānta teachings. The course will be continuous and aims to encourage the daily practice of this ancient tool for a significant transformation in the individual’s life.
The teachings of Vedānta will be present in meditation so that, through their assimilation and contemplation, they can become an integral part of the practitioner’s personality. This knowledge must be available in any circumstances, in the midst of family problems, in the financial crisis, in the face of the world crisis, at any time! Vedānta must become assimilated knowledge, capable of being invoked whenever necessary, without effort. When someone asks your name, do you ever say, “Um…let me think”? No! You immediately respond. Do you think about your name throughout the day? No! But when necessary, it comes spontaneously and effortlessly. Your name is with you, that is Jñānaniṣṭha!
Likewise, the knowledge ‘I am always free’, regardless of the situation, should come naturally to you when needed. There is no need to call everyone and declare “Ahaṁ Brahma Asmi”. Meditation on Vedānta blends knowledge with our innermost personality. It’s like sweetening coffee: it’s not enough to just add sugar for the coffee to taste sweet, it’s necessary to mix it well; the sugar particles must combine with each drop of coffee so that when you taste it, there is not a more bitter part. In the same way, every cell of our personality must be sharpened by wisdom and this internalization, this effort constitutes the purpose of meditation on Vedānta.

Weekly classes


Duration:  Continuous Course


Level:  Anyone can join


Personalized assistance


Registration and Contact:  For registrations, clarifications, or suggestions, please write to