Welcome to Ātma Vidyā

Vedanta is neither a theory nor practice. It is just you.
– Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Ātma Vidyā is a Center/Activity based in Auroville in South India, started by Sonia Novaes in 2007 and blessed by her guru Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
Ātma Vidyā is dedicated to the traditional teaching of Vedānta, Sanskrit, meditation, Mantras and Pūjā. Course languages are Portuguese and English, with in-person and online classes for groups and individuals.
Ātma means Self and Vidyā means knowledge. So Ātma Vidyā is the clear and immediate knowledge of the unchanging truth of oneself as an intrinsically free and unlimited being. Vedanta explores the realities of oneself, the world and God. The teaching reveals the view of non-duality, the direct appreciation of one’s inherent non-separation and wholeness. This teaching tradition is didactic, alive, timeless, and is passed on from teacher to student.
This Ātma Vidyā, self-knowledge, resolves every quest in the understanding of one’s inherent fullness, allowing oneself to see clearly that ‘I am already what I seek to be’. It is in this recognition that freedom, peace and wholeness are discovered, allowing the person to simply be, find and live one’s life with joy, compassion and purpose.
Connect with us by scheduling an online meeting, class, or just drop by for classes in-person at Auroville.